Serve in Worship
The values of any institution, group, or even family can perhaps best be seen in how that group organizes themselves to get done the work they have to do. In the case of the family that is Christ Episcopal Church, our core values are best expressed by our mission to “celebrate Christ’s presence and grace.” All our words, all our actions, and even our organization should reflect those values.
Composed of clergy, staff, and parishioners, these organizations are vital to running the church. The various Guilds and Ministries are catalysts in providing the service and compassion that is Christ Episcopal Church.
Which of these ministries might benefit from your gifts?
An Acolyte is a layperson who assists in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying candles or torches in the processional, and helping with the collection of the offering. Acolytes may be adults or children.
Altar Guild
The primary purpose of the Altar Guild in the Episcopal Church is to give assistance to the priest in his or her ministry by preparing God’s Altar, the Sanctuary, and the Chapel for worship in all services. “Altar Guild” includes everyone who prepares the Altar, the linens, and the priest’s vestments for the services.
Chalice Bearers
During the celebration of Holy Eucharist, the congregation is invited to eat the bread and wine of Holy Communion. A Chalice Bearer is a person who offers the wine to individuals with the words, "The blood of Christ. The cup of salvation."
Our adult choir practices every Sunday morning at 8:30 AM and sings regularly during our 10 AM Sunday service. The choir leads our congregation's liturgy with hymns and anthems.
Flower Committee
Members of the Flower Committee make the beautiful arrangements of flowers and greenery at our altars each week, signifying the joy of our Christian faith.
Lectors are trained to read our lessons from the Bible during our worship services. There is no age requirement for this ministry. We are just looking for people who are committed to practicing enough to be able to read loud and clear for the whole church to hear.
This officer of the church introduces guests to the church and directs them to seats. They also help the congregation receive Communion in an orderly fashion, assist with funerals or memorial services, hand out Sunday Order of Service bulletins and other information, and guide the congregation at large services.
One who assists in the ordering of the church service, usually preceding the clergy as they move about the church. The verger's logistical and behind the scenes support allow the clergy more time for pastoral and sacramental responsibilities.