A Note from Our Senior Warden

My Fellow Parishioners and Friends,

It is an exciting time in our congregation. We have a visit from the Bishop, we are opening back up, the Education building is mostly completed, and we are growing along with our community. We would like to announce that VBS will be the first official use of our new building. The playground has been ordered and should be installed before the end of summer.

The Vestry has started the process of finding and placing a Search Committee. Megan Martinez has agreed and been confirmed to lead the committee. In the coming weeks we will start the parish profile. Every member of our congregation will be contacted by someone either on the Vestry, Search Committee, or Volunteer that is helping in the process. This is one of the biggest parts of the Search process. Please pray and reflect the next few weeks upon where you would like to see our church grow. During the survey process your answers will help the Search Committee in the nomination process in finding and recommending candidates that reflect where we would like our church to go.

I am grateful for the support and prayers especially over the last few weeks. I would like to pass on an encouraging and challenging scripture that has been repeated in my own walk lately. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6


Zac Fillhart
Sr. Warden


A Departing Message from the Rev. Seth Walley


A Note from Seth