A Note from Seth
My dear friends,
Eastertide is a season of change. There is a stark difference between the great 50 days of Eastertide and the 40 days of Lent. Our days of penitence and fasting give way to days of celebration and joy when the Easter acclamation is made: “Alleluia, Christ is risen!” The Lord is risen indeed and that is what makes all the difference. In his book, Ethics After Easter, Dr. Stephen Holmgreen asks the question, “If the tomb is truly empty, how now shall we live?” In other words, Christ is risen- so what?
Christ is risen- so we are invited to get busy with the work of the Kingdom of God. The resurrection is a call to action. The resurrection reminds us that we have nothing to fear, not even death. And in the midst of such good news we are to be inspired to go out and love as Christ loves in thought, word, and deed. Easter changes us. And if Easter doesn’t change us, then we’ve missed the point of the empty tomb.
Things are changing. In our community and in the wider world, we are starting to see signs of hope that COVID-19 pandemic may have an end in sight. Our bishop, in light of vaccination rates and guidance from CDC and Mississippi Department of Health, has begun loosening our restrictions. Hopefully, this summer will give way to the return of more normalcy in our faith community- the return of congregational singing, prayerbooks back in the pews, and maybe even the return of coffee hour. Through the “reopening” of our church, we are participating in an Easter life, a resurrection life.
I look forward to living out the resurrection with you during these great 50 days of Eastertide. May the peace of Christ be always with you,